Creators of five studio albums, the Strawberry Alarm Clock are looking to make it an even half dozen. And they need fans’ help to do it.
The longtime psychedelic rockers are in the studio and are “about halfway through the recording process,” bassist George Bunnell says on the band’s new GoFundMe page. “It’s coming out great.”
The first track to emerge from the sessions at Rock Cellar Studios is the heavyweight “Monsters,” written and sang by Bunnell.
The previous Strawberry Alarm Clock studio album was released a decade ago: “Wake Up Where You Are” (2012) was the first new album from the Strawberry Alarm Clock in over 40 years. The album was a mix of new SAC songs and reinterpretations of their psychedelic rock classics.
Five of the six members playing on the new project were featured on the first Strawberry Alarm Clock album, Bunnell points out. SAC today consists of Bunnell, Mark Weitz, Randy Seol, Steve Bartek, Gene Gunnels and Howie Anderson.
The new album is being engineered and produced by Michael Jon Stern.
“We’ve been self-funding to this point but need help to finish and package for release,” Bunnell says on the GoFundMe page.
Thanks for reaching out to your fans. However, for those of us not living in the SoCal area, we don’t have much to talk about since you don’t seem play live anywhere else. I saw you in 2016, 6.5 YEARS ago in San Francisco and you have not been back since. I don’t get it. How can you stay relevant if you don’t tour? Let’s be honest, how many more years will you have to tour? You just wasted 4 years (and 2.5 years for Covid) and many of my friends have been waiting for you to return to N. CA. So get yer asses in gear and come play at The Chapel, or wherever, and let the SAC live again! Show us some SAC love! Cheers
Hi Philip
We do not have any representation.
No manager. No agency. No record company.
We’ve been writing new songs and recording them. This process has been taking time because of funding. We really want to get out and about but we want to do it behind a new album.
We hope to be ready to rock later this year.
We feel the same way about it as you do.
Thank you for your support.
✌️ ❤️🍓⏰
I hope the new album is maximum psychedelia. You guys are the masters. Want it to make my brain melt.
Nice article! Excited about the new tunes. Donate now! You won’t be disapointed!
I’ve been wondering where you’re at is the album for sale I know you really are into your music that’s a fantastic thing to do keep up the great music Michael
Although I was born 2001 and I’m 21 now I very much love your music! You guys are an incredible group such cool people! Just watched your guys interview on YouTube with Rock Cellar Tv. Wishing you guys a lot of success and love! Good luck SAC 🍓 ⏰ ❤️ it would be cool to see you guys perform at the HIPPIEFEST!
Can’t wait to help support you guys in any way! So excited to hear this news and even more excited to hear new music! Love everything you guys have done! This is a great way to start off 2023 (: hope we hear some of those classic instruments and sounds! Love from the east coast
Would strawberry alarm clock ever come to the east coast for some shows ? Maybe detroit? Would love to be able to experience the magical music you guys create in person! And I’m sure a bunch of others!
The SAC is where it’s at! Hope to see this get funded!
Hi there. I just donated to your gofundme. I’d love to change the world. But I don’t know how. So I keep singing these tunes in my head hoping for a way. A way out of this cage that I’ve been trapped in.
Wow Lucy! You sure did. Thank you so very much. We’re putting a lot of love into our new album. The generosity we’ve been shown is being felt deeply. Let love show us all “the way forward”